Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Privatization connects to my topic because with privatization creates and environment that is fueled by competition. This competition can lead to even more stress being placed on students because they feel the need to preform their best at all times.

Blog 3

I have been at Rutgers for four years and have a vast knowledge of the library system here. I have no questions for the librarian. But I must say that she is very involved and has a level of enthusiasm for the library that is not often seen and I think this is a really great thing. If I have any questions I look forward to having her answer them.

Blog 2

My topic has not changed since post one I am still very intrigued by the increase in depression during the change from high school to college as well as the use of drugs and alcohol which fuels this depression. I have done several google searches that have turned up a mass of information on drinking, drug use and depression among college students. It seems to me that there is a perfect storm of stressors and psychological changes that are apparent during the early twenties and late teens that cause depression in college students.

(1) Johnston, L.D.; O'Malley, P.M.; & Bachman, J.G. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the F uture Study, 1975-1994: College Students and Young Adults. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse, in press.

This source seems to be a got for information on college drinking and the connection between drinking and depression.

There is no real controversy for my subject it seems to be that there is an over whelming majority that link depression to the departure from normal home life into college life and the use of drinking and drugs to cope with the stressors of life and mask depression.

Blog 1

The topic I am considering for my research paper is depression among college students. They reason I am considering this for my research paper is because I believe it to be a topic not frequently discussed or addressed by college and universities. Students who attend college for the first time are confronted with the fact that they are away from home for the first time. They are forced to structure their lives within the first week of college without the help of their parents. They also leave their social setting, which has been a comfort for them over the past 10 years of their public education and are forced to create a new circle of friends. This coupled with drinking and the use of drugs can lead to dire consequences. It is a very interesting topic for me because I have had friends that have left college because they could not handle the abrupt change in life style and the lack of a structured home life.